Jaipur ,Rajasthan,India during Lockdown

This is a truly global crisis as no country is spared. Countries reliant on tourism, travel, hospitality, and entertainment for their growth are experiencing particularly large disruptions. Emerging market and developing economies face additional challenges with unprecedented reversals in capital flows as global risk appetite wanes, and currency pressures, while coping with weaker health systems, and more limited fiscal space to provide support. Moreover, several economies entered this crisis in a vulnerable state with sluggish growth and high debt levels. To Cope Rajasthan govt impose modified Lockdown.. a war against the novel Coronavirus, people who are sitting at home under a lockdown are fighting another kind of war within themselves.

Temples closed and postpone all religious events

people shy being seen during pendemic lockdown

women covering mouth while going out

Jaipur railway station during lockdown in pendemic